2017年1月18日 星期三

it is hard for me to present nothing happened, you know..

between you and me


it is not the lonely happy ending that I should be with you

just watch you and talk to you

just as a simple talk as we had

that is how it connects us

so simple and nothing needs to worry

it is the most comfortable positions for both of us

so enjoy it without any stress

love should be easy

and it doesn't have a standard form what should it look like

so don't worry

the one, who belongs to you, will find you out

just be patient and do what you should do

from now and in the future

that is all what we need to do

keep appreciate and stay cool

just present yourself and built more confident

bro, don't forget, you have me, at least I am the one who stands by you

keep fighting

be strong

