2017年8月16日 星期三
Abc 2015 好用 PDFEdit 繁體中文 免安裝版 PDF 文件編輯神器
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程式名稱:Foxit PDF Editor 2.0 Build 1011版
程式大小:3.52 MB
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2017年7月31日 星期一
電腦password 問題致無法登入之 解決辦法
方法一 :使用其他具有管理員權限的帳戶或者是管理員帳戶進行密碼重設。
方法二 :使用Windows密碼重設軟體 – Renee Passnow。
使用Renee Passnow可直接移除忘記密碼帳戶的密碼,無損帳戶內的檔案資訊。僅需5分鐘、簡單三步即可重獲帳戶的掌控權~無需任何相關專業知識!
- 重設僅需五分鐘,對賬戶內的信息、檔案無任何損害,100%安全。
- 支持重設及移除Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista的本地帳戶及管理員密碼。
- 可重設Windows 10/8.1/8的微軟在線帳戶密碼,助您快速重新掌控帳戶內的資料。
- 支援新建管理員賬戶密碼,快速登入電腦。
- 無需尋求他人幫助。您可獨力完成密碼重置過程,無需相關專業知識。
第三步: 啟動目標電腦并在BIOS中修改開機順序。
將您通過Renee Passnow所建立的密碼重置磁片連接到電腦,并在啟動目標電腦后,進入BIOS,將開機順序相應調整為CD ROM或Removable Devices開機。
在Windows 10/8.1/8中您也可選擇微軟帳戶進行重設。
除了可重置/移除Windows密碼外,您還可通過Renee Passnow建立一個新的管理員帳戶快速重新掌控您的電腦資料~
忘記Windows賬戶登入密碼並不是一件嚴重的事情,但是如何快速重設密碼且不破壞賬戶內的資訊顯得尤為重要。Renee Passnow能快速、完美地為您解決此問題。無需任何專業知識,也無需您提供可能的密碼。五分鐘重設完成,無損任何檔案資訊!立即下載免費版本試用吧~
開啟Windows 7,輸入登入密碼,不知道是甚麼原因?〈中毒?家裡的小朋友不小心修改了密碼?〉卻顯示密碼錯誤,不能登入Windows 7,試了幾次都無效,該怎麼辦呢?不需要找人重新安裝電腦,只要依照下列的步驟,就可以更改密碼,順利登入Windows 7。
1.Windows 7不能登入,只剩下「輸入法」和「輕鬆存取」可以使用,如下圖所示,點選「輕鬆存取」。
3.將Windows 7的安裝光碟、修復光碟或WinPE開機光碟放進光碟機,設定BIOS為光碟開機,詳見:設定BIOS的開機順序為光碟優先。當出現下圖所示的畫面,按鍵盤的「Enter」,使用光碟開機。使用光碟開機也可以按鍵盤的快速鍵〈宏碁的電腦按「F12」,華碩的電腦按「ESC」,其他品牌詳見:常用的筆記型電腦開機快速鍵〉,顯示開機選單,再選擇要開啟的裝置。
7.搜尋完成已經安裝的Windows 7以後,點選「下一步」。
9.在開啟的命令提示字元視窗輸入「c:」,按鍵盤的「Enter」鍵,切換到Windows 7的安裝磁碟c。您的Windows 7安裝磁碟不一定是c,也有可能是d或其他磁碟〈一般品牌電腦都會有100 MB的開機系統隱藏分割區,所以Windows 7安裝磁碟是d〉,請先行做確認。
10.接著輸入「cd windows\system32」,按鍵盤的「Enter」鍵,執行命令。
11.接著輸入「ren Magnify.exe Magnify1.exe」,按鍵盤的「Enter」鍵,將放大鏡程式更改名稱為Magnify1.exe。
12.接著輸入「ren cmd.exe Magnify.exe」,按鍵盤的「Enter」鍵,將命令提示字元的名稱cmd.exe更改為放大鏡程式的名稱Magnify.exe。
16.在「命令提示字元」的視窗,輸入「net user hung 654321」,按鍵盤的「Enter」鍵,將使用者「hung」的密碼更改為「654321」。
18.輸入更改以後的密碼,按鍵盤的「Enter」鍵,登入Windows 7。
19.如下圖所示,Windows 7已經成功開啟。
20.Windows 7成功開啟以後,記得依照上述的步驟,將「命令提示字元」和「放大鏡」更改為原來的名稱,如下圖所示,輸入「ren Magnify.exe cmd.exe」和「ren Magnify1.exe Magnify.exe」
忘記 Windows 密碼、無法登入怎麼辦?如何破解電腦開機密碼?(支援 Windows 7、Vista)
忘記密碼可能是很多人的夢靨,明明記得原本的帳號、密碼就是這樣,可是卻偏偏怎麼輸入也進不去,這時候該怎麼辦呢?重灌嗎? 直接重灌的話很多資料可能會遺失,在你無計可施之前可以試試看下面這招。
要破解 Windows 7 登入密碼的方法有很多種,下面這方法相對來說簡單、安全些,也不會造成資料遺失或其他系統問題。在開始之前必須先下載一套 Ubuntu 免費的桌面作業系統,將 Ubuntu 的 ISO 檔下載回來後用燒錄軟體將它燒成光碟,然後用 Ubuntu 系統安裝光碟開機,開機後修改兩個 Windows 7 的檔案名稱,重新登入後把原先的登入密碼改掉就好了!
下載 Ubuntu 免費作業系統:按這裡 將 Ubuntu 的 ISO 檔燒錄成開機光碟:教學按這裡 教學:如何設定BIOS開機順序,讓電腦用「光碟片」或「USB隨身碟」開機?
完成以上步驟之後,請再依照下面方法設定即可。如果你沒有光碟機,或不想另外燒光碟,其實也可以把原本安裝了 Windows 7 作業系統的硬碟拔起來,接到其他可以正常使用的電腦中,然後再依照後面第 2 步之後的步驟處理也是可以,重點就是只要能修改 system32 資料夾裡的 cmd.exe 與 osk.exe 兩個檔案名稱就行。
注意!以下方法可適用於 Windows Vista 與 Windows 7 等作業系統,但可能會在日後微軟調整功能或增加使用限制後而無法生效,不管怎樣,能用就先用,以後不能用再說囉。
第1步 將 Ubuntu 開機光碟放入電腦的光碟機中,讓電腦用光碟開機。開機後,不需要安裝系統直接點選「試用 Ubuntu」這個項目。
第2步 用 Ubuntu 開機、進入桌面之後,請點一下左邊的資料夾圖示,然後找到電腦中安裝 Windows 系統的那個磁碟機,再切換到「C:\Windows\System32」資料夾。
第3步 在「System32」資料夾裡面找到 「osk.exe」檔案,把它改名為「osk-001.exe」。然後再找到「cmd.exe」檔案,把它改名為「osk.exe」,改好之後讓電腦重開機、啟動 Windows 作業系統。
第4步 重新開機、啟動 Windows 作業系統之後,在出現登入畫面時,請按一下畫面左下角的「輕鬆存取」按鈕,勾選「不用鍵盤輸入(螢幕小鍵盤)」這項目後按下「確定」按鈕,接著便會出現一個黑底白字的命令輸入視窗。
第5步 出現命令輸入視窗後,先不用管他上面顯示什麼內容,直接輸入「net user」再按「Enter」鍵。
第6步 接著我們可以看到目前電腦中全部使用者帳號的名稱。如果要修改其中一個帳號的密碼,請輸入:
net user 帳號名稱 新的密碼
舉例來說,我要修改「brian」這個帳號的密碼為「123456」的話,請輸入「net user brian 123456」再按下「Enter」鍵即可。
第7步 改完之後,即可使用新的密碼登入 Windows 桌面囉。
注意!更改完密碼、可以正常登入 Windows 桌面之後,請再用前面 1~3 步驟將剛剛的「osk.exe」與「cmd.exe」兩個檔案改回原本正常的名稱,否則電腦中的某些功能會無法正常執行。
2017年7月11日 星期二
英文作文寫作技巧 |
一、英文作文-開頭萬能公式: 1)名人名言: 有人問:“我沒有記英文諺語、名言佳句,怎麼辦?尤其是英語名言?” 這很好辦:編就對了! 原理:我們看到的東西很多都是創造出來的,包括我們欣賞的英文文章也是,所以儘管編吧!但是一定要聽起來很有道理哦!而且說不定將來我們就是名人呢!對吧?! 經典英文作文句型: A proberb says, “ You are only young once.” (適用於已記住的名言) It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (適用於自編名言) 更多經典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that… 2)數字統計原理: 要想英文作文更有說服力,就應該用實際的數字來說明。原則上,在議論文當中很不應該出現虛假數字的,可是在考試的時候哪管那三七二十一,但編無妨,只要我有東西寫就萬事大吉了。所以不妨試用下面的英文句型: According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 看起來這個數字文謅謅的,其實都是編造出來的,下面隨便幾個題目我們都可以這樣編造: Honesty根據最近的一項統計調查顯示,大學生向老師請假的理由當中78%都是假的。 Travel by Bike根據最近的一項統計調查顯示,85%的人在近距離旅行的時候首選的交通工具是自行車。Youth根據最近的一項統計調查顯示,在某個大學,學生的課餘時間的70%都是在休閒娛樂。 Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根據最近的一項統計調查顯示,98%的人同意每週五天工作日。 更多句型:A recent statistics shows that … 二、英文作文-結尾萬能公式: 1)英文作文結論說完了,畢竟要歸納一番,相信各位都有這樣的經歷,寫了長篇大論,到最後終於冒出個“總而言之”之類的話,我們馬上停止開小差,等待結束語。 也就是說,英文作文開頭再好,也必然要有一個精彩的結尾,讓讀者眼前一亮,這樣,你就可以在英文作文拿高分了!比如下面的例子: Obviously(此為過渡片語), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 如果讀者很難“顯而見之”,但說無妨,就當讀者的眼光太淺罷了! 更多過渡片語:to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus 更多句型:Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we can find that… 2)英文作文中,如果說“如此結論”是結尾最沒用的廢話,那麼“如此建議”應該是最有價值的廢話了,因為這雖然也是英文作文中的廢話,但是卻用了一個很經典的虛擬語氣的英文句型。 Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 這兒的虛擬語氣用得很經典,因為主考官本來經常考這個英文句型,而如果我們自己寫出來,你說主考官會怎麼想呢? 更多句型:Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken. Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.
1) 英文作文之長、短句原則 : 老讓讀者讀長句,累死人!寫一個短小精闢的英文句子,卻可以起到畫龍點睛的作用。而且如果我們把英文短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主題: As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 如此可見,英文長短句結合,抑揚頓挫,豈不爽哉?牢記!強烈建議:在英文作文第一段(開頭)用一長一短,且先長後短;在英文作文主體部分,要先用一個英文短句解釋主要意思,然後在闡述幾個要點的時候採用先短後長的句群形式,定會讓主體部分妙筆生輝!英文文章結尾一般用一長一短就可以了。 2) 英文作文之主題句原則 : 國有其君,家有其主,英文文章也要有其主,否則會給人造成“群龍無首”之感!相信各位讀過一些破爛英文文學,故意把主體隱藏在文章之內,結果造成我們稀裏糊塗!不知所云! 所以奉勸各位一定要寫一個英文主題句,放在文章的開頭(保險型)或者結尾,讓讀者一目了然,必會平安無事!特別提示:英文作文隱藏主體句可是要冒險的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主題句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly. 3)英文作文之一、 二、 三原則 : 文章總是會分成第一部分、第一點、第二點、第三點、第二部分、第一點… 如此囉嗦。可畢竟還是條理清楚。主考官們看英文文章也必然要通過這些關鍵性的“標籤”來判定你的文章是否結構清楚,條理自然。 破解方法很簡單,只要把下面任何一組的辭彙加入到你的英文作文要點前就清楚了。 1.first, second, third, last(不推薦,原因:俗) 2.firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推薦,原因:俗) 3.the first, the second, the third, the last(不推薦,原因:俗) 4.in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly. (不推薦,原因:俗) 5.to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(強烈推薦) 6.to start with, next, in addition, finally(強烈推薦) 7.first and foremost, besides, last but not least(強烈推薦) 8.most important of all, moreover, finally 9.on the one hand, on the other hand(適用於兩點的情況) 10.for one thing, for another thing(適用於兩點的情況) 4)英文作文之片語優先原則: 英文寫作時,尤其是在考試時,如果使用英文片語,有兩個好處: 其一、用英文片語會使英文文章增加亮點,如果老師們看到你的英文文章太簡單,看不到一個自己不認識的英文片語,必然會看你低一等。相反,如果發現亮點—精彩的英文片語,那麼你的英文文章定會得高分了。 其二、關鍵時刻思維短路,只有湊英文字數,怎麼辦?用英文片語是一個辦法! 比如:I cannot bear it.可以用英文短句表達:I cannot put up with it. I want it.可以用英文短語表達:I am looking forward to it.這樣字數明顯增加,表達上也更準確。 5)英文作文之多實少虛原則: 原因很簡單,寫英文作文還是應該寫一些實際的東西,不要空話連篇。這就要求一定要多用實詞,少用虛詞。 而所謂的虛詞就是指那些比較大的詞。比如我們說「很好」的時候,不應該只說nice這樣空洞的詞,應該使用一些較難的英文字彙,如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital 之類的形容詞。 再比如:走出房間,general的詞是:walk out of the room. 但是小偷走出房間應該說:slip out of the room 小姐走出房間應該說:sail out of the room 小孩走出房間應該說:dance out of the room 老人走出房間應該說:stagger out of the room 所以多用實詞,少用虛詞,英文文章將會大放異彩! 6)英文作文之多變句式原則 : 1.加法(串聯): 很多人都希望寫下很長的英文句子,像個老外似的,可就是怕寫錯英文句子,怎麼辦?!最保險的寫英文長句的方法就是這些,可以在任何英文句子之間加and, 但最好是前後的英文句子有先後關係或者並列關係。 比如說:I enjoy music and he is fond of playing guitar. 如果是二者並列的,我們可以用一個超級英文句型:Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm. 其他的英文片語可以用:besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover 2.轉折(拐彎抹角) 在批評某人缺點的時候,我們總習慣先拐彎抹角說說他的優點,然後轉入正題,再說缺點,這種方式雖然陰險了點,可畢竟還比較容易讓人接受。所以呢,我們說話的時候,只要在要點之前先來點廢話,注意二者之間用個轉折就夠了。參考英文句型如下: The car was quite old, yet it was in excellent condition.The coat was thin, but it was warm. 更多的英文片語:despite that, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding 3.因果(so, so, so) 昨天在街上我看到了一個女孩,然後我主動搭訕,然後我們去咖啡廳,然後我們認識了,然後我們成為了朋友…可見,講故事的時候我們總要追求先後順序,先什麼,後什麼,所以然後這個詞就變得很常見了。其實這個詞表示的是先後或因果關係!參考英文句型如下:The snow began to fall, so we went home. 更多片語:then, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, for this reason, so that 4.失衡句(頭重腳輕或頭輕腳重 ) 有些人腦袋大,身體小,或者有些人腦袋小,身體大,雖然我們不希望長成這個樣子,可如果真的是這樣了,也就必然會吸引別人的注意力。 英文文章中如果出現這樣的英文句子,就更會讓主考官看到你的英文句子與眾不同。其實就是主語從句,表語從句,賓語從句的變形。 舉例:This is what I can do.Whether he can go with us or not is not sure. 同樣主語、賓語、表語可以改成如下的複雜成分:When to go, Why he goes away… 5.附加(多此一舉): 如果有了老婆,總會遇到這樣的情況,當你在講某個人的時候,她會插一句說,我昨天見過他;或者說,就是某某某,如果把老婆的話插入到我們的話裏面,那就是定語從句和同位語從句或者是插入語。 The man whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine. I don’t enjoy that book you are reading. Mr Liu, our oral English teacher, is easy-going. 其實很簡單,同位語--要解釋的東西刪除後不影響整個英文句子的構成;定語從句—借用之前的關鍵字並且用其重新組成一個英文句子插入其中,但是whom or that 關鍵字必須要緊跟在先行詞之前。 6.排比(排山倒海句): 文學作品中最吸引人的地方莫過於此,如果非要讓你的英文作文更加精彩的話,那麼引用一個個的排比句,一個個對偶句,一個個的不定式,一個個的英文片語,如此表達將會使英文文章有排山倒海之勢! Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sophisticated or simple, there is plenty in London for you. Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides. We have got to study hard, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life. 7.挑戰極限原則 : 既然是挑戰極限,必然是比較難的,但是並非不可攀! 原理:在學生的英文文章中,很少發現諸如獨立主格的英文句子,其實也很簡單,只要花上5分鐘的時間看看就可以領會,它就是英文分詞的一種特殊形式,分詞要求主語一致,而獨立主格則不然。 比如:The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China. 如果您可一些出這樣的英文句子,不得高分才怪! 英文作文撰寫絕招(三) 一、英文作文-文章主體段落三大殺手鐧: 1) 舉實例: 思維短路,舉實例!提出一個觀點,舉實例!提出一個方案,舉實例!而且者也是我們揭示一個觀點最好的方式,任何情況下,只要我們無法繼續文章,不管三七二十一,儘管舉例子! In order to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted every possible simulative factor in making ads, such as sound, light, colors, cartoon films and human performance. For instance, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will ask an actor or actress to sit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they film him or her.更多句型:To take … as an example, One example is…, Another example is…, for example 2)做比較: 寫完一個要點,比較與之相似的;又寫完一個要點,再比較與之相反的;世界上沒有同樣的指紋,沒有相同的樹葉,文章亦同,只有通過比較,你才會發現二者的相同點(through comparison)和不同點(through contrast)。下面是一些英文片語: 相似的比較:in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner 相反的比較:on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …, … 3)換言之 : 沒話說了,可以換一句話再說,讓你的英文文章在多一些字,或者文文鄒鄒地說,是讓讀者更充分的理解你的觀點。實際就是重複重複再重複!下面的英文句子實際上就三個字。 I love you! I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I love you. I am wild about you. In other words, I have fallen in love with you. 或者上面我們舉過的英文短句例子:I cannot bear it. 可以用英文片語表達:I cannot put up with it. 因此可以這樣說:I cannot bear it. That is to say, I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it. 更多英文片語:in more difficult language, in simpler words, put it more simply 資料來源: 線上英文教育hi tutor English writing |
2017年4月8日 星期六
Dead and Gone
"Dead And Gone"(feat. Justin Timberlake)
[Spoken - T.I.]
Let me kick it to you right quick, man
Not on some gangsta shit man, on some real shit
Anybody done been through the same thing, I'm sure you feel the same way
Big Phil
This for you pimpin'
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.)):]
Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone
[Verse 1 - T.I.]
Ever had one of them days wish would've stayed home
Run into a group of niggas who gettin' they hate on
You walk by
They get wrong
You reply then shit get blown
Way outta proportion
Way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush 'em
Figure you'll get jumped, hell that's nothing
They don't wanna stop there now they bussin'
Now you gushin', ambulance rushin'
You to the hospital with a bad concussion
Plus ya hit 4 times
Plus it hit ya spine
Paralyzed waist down now ya wheel chair bound
Nevermind that now you lucky to be alive
Just think it all started you fussin' with 3 guys
Now ya pride in the way, but ya pride is the way
You could fuck around, get shot, die any day
Niggas die everyday
All over bull shit, dope money, dice game, ordinary hood shit
Could this be 'cos of hip hop music?
Or did the ones with the good sense not use it?
Usually niggas don't know what to do when their back against the wall so they just start shootin'
For red or for blue or for blo I guess
From Bankhead or from your projects
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]
[Verse 2 - T.I.]
I ain't never been scared, I lived through tragedy
Situation could've been dead lookin' back at it
Most of that shit didn't even have to happen
But you don't think about it when you out there trappin'
In apartments, hangin', smokin', and rappin'
Niggas start shit, next thing ya know we cappin'
Get locked up then didn't even get mad
Now think about damn what a life I had
Most of that shit, look back, just laugh
Some shit still look back get sad
Maybe my homeboy still be around
Had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time
I won that fight
I lost that war
I can still see my nigga walkin' out that door
Who'da thought I'd never see Philant no more?
Got enough dead homies I don't want no more
Cost a nigga his job
Cost me more
I'd took that ass-whooping now for sure
Now think before I risk my life
Take them chances to get my stripe
A nigga put his hands on me alright
Otherwise stand there talk shit all night
'Cos I hit you, you sue me,
I shoot you, get locked up, who me?
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]
[Hook - Justin Timberlake]
I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright
I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]
BY WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_and_Gone
Rob Knox (not to be confused with the murdered actor), one of the song's producers, expressed his feelings into creating the song: [5]
In the song, T.I. deals with the death of his best friend and former bodyguard, Philant Johnson, who was killed on May 3, 2006, when T.I.'s crew was caught up in a shooting after a show in Cincinnati that left three injured and Johnson killed. The lyrics include lines such as: "Who ever thought I'd never see Philant no more," and "Big Phil this is for you." Johnson's tombstone is shown in the video.
Let me kick it to you right quick, man
Not on some gangsta shit man, on some real shit
Anybody done been through the same thing, I'm sure you feel the same way
Big Phil
This for you pimpin'
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.)):]
Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone, dead and gone
[Verse 1 - T.I.]
Ever had one of them days wish would've stayed home
Run into a group of niggas who gettin' they hate on
You walk by
They get wrong
You reply then shit get blown
Way outta proportion
Way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush 'em
Figure you'll get jumped, hell that's nothing
They don't wanna stop there now they bussin'
Now you gushin', ambulance rushin'
You to the hospital with a bad concussion
Plus ya hit 4 times
Plus it hit ya spine
Paralyzed waist down now ya wheel chair bound
Nevermind that now you lucky to be alive
Just think it all started you fussin' with 3 guys
Now ya pride in the way, but ya pride is the way
You could fuck around, get shot, die any day
Niggas die everyday
All over bull shit, dope money, dice game, ordinary hood shit
Could this be 'cos of hip hop music?
Or did the ones with the good sense not use it?
Usually niggas don't know what to do when their back against the wall so they just start shootin'
For red or for blue or for blo I guess
From Bankhead or from your projects
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]
[Verse 2 - T.I.]
I ain't never been scared, I lived through tragedy
Situation could've been dead lookin' back at it
Most of that shit didn't even have to happen
But you don't think about it when you out there trappin'
In apartments, hangin', smokin', and rappin'
Niggas start shit, next thing ya know we cappin'
Get locked up then didn't even get mad
Now think about damn what a life I had
Most of that shit, look back, just laugh
Some shit still look back get sad
Maybe my homeboy still be around
Had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time
I won that fight
I lost that war
I can still see my nigga walkin' out that door
Who'da thought I'd never see Philant no more?
Got enough dead homies I don't want no more
Cost a nigga his job
Cost me more
I'd took that ass-whooping now for sure
Now think before I risk my life
Take them chances to get my stripe
A nigga put his hands on me alright
Otherwise stand there talk shit all night
'Cos I hit you, you sue me,
I shoot you, get locked up, who me?
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]
[Hook - Justin Timberlake]
I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright
I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright
[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]
BY WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_and_Gone
Rob Knox (not to be confused with the murdered actor), one of the song's producers, expressed his feelings into creating the song: [5]
We were like, this guy's going through a lot with his whole court case situation and his best friend dyin', and everything in the world kind of crumbling in front of him in a way. We [agreed that] it would be real cool and unexpected to give people something a little more heartfelt - not the club, party, typical record that everybody wanted. We even had a feeling that T.I. was gonna mention that, but we already had a plan for him.
In the song, T.I. deals with the death of his best friend and former bodyguard, Philant Johnson, who was killed on May 3, 2006, when T.I.'s crew was caught up in a shooting after a show in Cincinnati that left three injured and Johnson killed. The lyrics include lines such as: "Who ever thought I'd never see Philant no more," and "Big Phil this is for you." Johnson's tombstone is shown in the video.
2017年1月20日 星期五
線上轉檔 FLV-->MP4/ AVI 影片檔
Online Converter 線上轉檔程式
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網站名稱:Online Converter 網站網址:http://www.online-convert.com/
2017年1月18日 星期三
it is hard for me to present nothing happened, you know..
between you and me
it is not the lonely happy ending that I should be with you
just watch you and talk to you
just as a simple talk as we had
that is how it connects us
so simple and nothing needs to worry
it is the most comfortable positions for both of us
so enjoy it without any stress
love should be easy
and it doesn't have a standard form what should it look like
so don't worry
the one, who belongs to you, will find you out
just be patient and do what you should do
from now and in the future
that is all what we need to do
keep appreciate and stay cool
just present yourself and built more confident
bro, don't forget, you have me, at least I am the one who stands by you
keep fighting
be strong
between you and me
it is not the lonely happy ending that I should be with you
just watch you and talk to you
just as a simple talk as we had
that is how it connects us
so simple and nothing needs to worry
it is the most comfortable positions for both of us
so enjoy it without any stress
love should be easy
and it doesn't have a standard form what should it look like
so don't worry
the one, who belongs to you, will find you out
just be patient and do what you should do
from now and in the future
that is all what we need to do
keep appreciate and stay cool
just present yourself and built more confident
bro, don't forget, you have me, at least I am the one who stands by you
keep fighting
be strong
2017年1月17日 星期二
a無料 Youtube 影片下載器,連 1080p 都可以直接下載
YouTube Downloader 讓瀏覽器可以直接下載 YouTube 影片(MP3、MP4、FLV 格式)
YouTube 依然是許多人每天必看的網站,不外乎裡頭有看不完的影片,例如音樂 MV、電視節目或是搞笑影片等等,先前曾經介紹過 12 個線上影片下載服務可以將 YouTube 影片保存到電腦裡,如果你是 Chrome、Firefox 瀏覽器的使用者,那安裝 YouTube Downloader 擴充功能就能快速把任何 YouTube 影片下載為 MP3 音訊、MP4 高畫質影片或是 FLV 三種格式,與 FastestTube 擴充功能類似。
安裝後開啟 YouTube 影片頁面,下方工具列會多一個「Download」按鈕,點擊後就有幾個可以下載的格式和選項,包括:
如果你想將 YouTube 影片保存到電腦裡,或是把 YouTube 上的音樂下載下來,不妨試試看 YouTube Downloader ,真的很方便喔!
軟體性質: | 免費軟體 |
版 本: | (可攜版) |
語 系: | 英文 |
試用天數: | 無天數限制 |
檔案大小: | 4.5 MB |
作業系統: | Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2003/Windows Server 2008 |
軟體名稱:Youtube Downloader HD – Youtube 影片下載軟體 軟體版本: 官方網站:http://www.youtubedownloaderhd.com/ | |
進入 YouTube Downloader 網站,點擊藍色的 Install YouTube Downloader 按鈕來安裝此擴充功能,目前支援 Chrome 和 Firefox 兩種瀏覽器。在下載擴充功能前會出現警示訊息,沒問題的話按下安裝。
安裝後開啟 YouTube 影片頁面,下方工具列會多一個「Download」按鈕,點擊後就有幾個可以下載的格式和選項,包括:
- MP4 HD (1080p)
- MP4 HD (720p)
- FLV (480p)
- MP4 (360p)
- FLV (240p)
- MP3
如果你想將 YouTube 影片保存到電腦裡,或是把 YouTube 上的音樂下載下來,不妨試試看 YouTube Downloader ,真的很方便喔!
Cute Screen Recorder 免費錄影 軟體 下載
Cute Screen Recorder 是一套可以將螢幕畫面錄製成 MP4、FLV、SWF 及 WMV 等四種影片格式的免費軟體,並可錄製聲音,操作介面雖是英文卻非常簡單且容易上手,在錄影時可以自訂選擇錄製區塊,不用將整個全螢幕都錄下來,也可設定固定的錄影區塊尺寸,方便錄製一些固定尺寸的影片或教學、遊戲等畫面。Cute Screen Recorder 也可以設定錄製的品質與每秒鐘錄製的影像格數,不會浪費太多的硬碟空間。相關工具還可以參考
Cute Screen Recorder Free Version is a easy-to-use screen recorder software.
It is able to record the action and sound from all screen activity on your computer and saves it to mp4,flv,swf , wmv, mkv(h.264) ,lossless AVI and webm video files.Record any area on your desktop, an object area, a window or full screen.
Cute Screen Recorder Free Version is a easy-to-use screen recorder software.
It is able to record the action and sound from all screen activity on your computer and saves it to mp4,flv,swf , wmv, mkv(h.264) ,lossless AVI and webm video files.Record any area on your desktop, an object area, a window or full screen.
Cute Screen Recorder 軟體檔案】
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